Optimization tips > Invitation Form - RSVP

Easily create an an online Invitation form - RSVP

Make sure your event is a success by using an invitation form

Amy W, 05/01/2017
Make sure your event is a success by using an invitation form


What is an online invitation form - RSVP?

When someone is planning an event and wants to invite people to it he needs to extend them an invitation, right? Well, this is really basic stuff. Today however, with internet being so accessible, most activities we used to do off line are now done online. This, of course, includes online event invitations.

The invitation form may be created for any type of event: personal or business. a wedding, engagement, christening, bar mitzva, christmas party, highschool reunion, art exhibitions, birthdays, new years eve party, conference and grand opening are only a few examples of forms you can easily set up.

The offline invitation is a paper based version, which lets a person know about the event, where and when it will be held and other important details. In most cases a phone number or email address is included in this invitation and the person is requested to approve or decline.
The online invitation form takes this further,it not only informs the person of the upcoming event, and provides information about it, but it also enables him to respond right then and there using a form.

The invitation form is also known sometimes as RSVP form.
RSVP, according to wikipedia, s an initialism derived from the French phrase Répondez s'il vous plaît meaning "Please respond" or literally, "Reply if you please". The acronym "RSVP" or the phrase "Répondez s'il vous plaît" are sometimes still used in current French to require confirmation of an invitation. The RSVP is the part where you ask about the person’s attendance. It is used in events where you need to know how many people are coming in order to prepare the event.


What is the best structure for an invitation form? And what are the ways to optimize it?

In “wikiHow” you can find a very helpful article on “how to write a formal invitation”. Even though this article talks about invitations in general, the same rules apply to the online invitations.

Jeff Kear, in his post “17 PROVEN WAYS TO BOOST YOUR EVENT ATTENDANCE” talks about how you can improve your invitation form. He says, for example, that “”If you are using online registration, make your forms as easy as possible to complete. Minimize the number of fields. Make it easy for multiple registrations (because for weddings and parties one person often replies for an entire family, and for business events one person may be registering for multiple co-workers). And consider bundled pricing for those multiple registrations.”

Katie Nielsen, discusses how to create invitations in her post “The Do's and Don'ts of Invitation Etiquette”. She recommends to send the invitations on time “When it comes to formal events such as weddings, invitations should be sent six to eight weeks in advance, especially if travel may be involved for some guests. For more casual get-togethers, invites can be sent two to four weeks in advance”.


How can I create an online invitation RSVP form?

There are many different web tools for creating an invitation form so when you are looking for one keep in mind that:
- You’ll need a tool that requires no programming skills,
- You’ll need a tool that gives you ready made templates (and if they’re free - even better).
- You’ll need a tool that can add an RSVP section to get the user response.
- you’ll need to have the responses sent to your email, and also stored somewhere.

So why not use a form builder?

A form builder is a user friendly tool you can create all kinds of web forms with, including online invitations.
Following are steps to create an online invitation form from template with FormTitan form builder:

1- enter the formtitan gallery page
Gallery page

2- search for “invitation” in the searchbox

3- choose a template, for example : Christmas party invitation form
christmas template

4- press on “Use it now” button.
If you are already logged in to FormTitan this template will open in the form builder and you will be able to edit it and save it in your account as your own.
If you are not logged in or do not have an account in you will be asked sign in or sign up.
The template opens in the form builder