Optimization tips > FormAssembly Alternative

The Best Alternative to FormAssembly

FormTitan VS. FormAssembly

Amy W, 11/06/2017
FormTitan VS. FormAssembly

The Best Alternative to FormAssembly

Online Web forms are a sought after commodity and there are many tools to create them with. While all form builders have one basic thing in common (which is the form creation), they all differ in the set of features they provide. The differences in functionality make them more relevant to some users and less to others. So if you don’t have many requirements most form builders will do the job. If you are looking for specific features - you will need to look into those differences in order to decide which form builder suits you most. In the following post we will focus on two competitor form builders, discuss their differences and which one gives you your money's worth.

What does formtitan and formassembly have in common:

Both FormAssembly and FormTitan are very professional, powerful form builders.
They are both intuitive, drag and drop builders. Both enable you to create fully responsive forms, use conditional logic, calculated fields, save & resume as well as support multiple users. Both of these platforms integrate with numerous 3rd party applications, including a seamless integration with SalesForce, to either create or update any salesforce object, or retrieve data from your salesforce account and display it in a pre populated form.

Powerful with Salesforce

One of the many integrations offered by both FormAssembly and FormTitan is the integration with Salesforce. This may seem a trivial fact , however, it is seems that there are many business today that are using Salesforce as their CRM solution. Ben Steinbuhler in his post “Integrating Websites with Salesforce” talks about the growing popularity and says that “A request we’re hearing more and more is to integrate websites with Salesforce.” He also talks about the significance of salesforce when he says that “Leveraging this existing framework for connections of websites with Salesforce allows you to ensure your organization is all working with the latest information, all in one place. ”
Learn how FormTitan form builder can integrate with Salesforce

Watch how to integrate with Salesforce

Learn how to create or update a salesforce object

Learn how to read data from salesforce into a web form

What are the differences between formassembly and formtitan?

Social autofill
The social autofill feature enables the form filler to quickly and easily fill data in the form based on his social media profile. Using a social autofill saves your users time and efforts, and encourages more leads.
This feature exists in FormTitan and not in FormAssembly

Email logic routing
This feature is part of the conditional logic and it enables you to control what happens when the form is submitted. It enables you to send a custom thank you message, a custom email or push the data to a 3rd party integration.
This feature exists in FormTitan and not in FormAssembly

a/b testing
A/b testing is a common way for online marketers to optimize landing pages. Since there is no such thing as “one solution that fits all” you must test your form and make the required changes. Using the A/B testing method you can compare 2 or more versions of your forms to see which one performs best.
This feature exists in FormTitan and not in FormAssembly

CRO engine
This feature is an original one, and only FormTitan possesses it. This robust CRO engine tracks your every move, while you are creating your form, and it offers you relevant tips to optimize your form in real time.
This feature exists in FormTitan and not in FormAssembly

Pricing, Free & Annual discount
FormAssembly doesn’t have a free package.
Its prices start from 89$/mo-599$/mo and they do not offer any annual discounted packages (not including Compliance Cloud)

FormTitan has a free package
Its monthly rates, for paid users, start at 9$ /mo - 49$ (not including the enterprises edition). But it also provides annual discounts.