The most robust and feature-rich form Application

Genius program with several integrations, including Salesforce Integration

TRULY the best out there - HANDS DOWN!
The team at FormTitan have created the most robust and feature-rich form Application I've ever seen! The program itself is GENIUS with several integrations, and most importantly of course, Salesforce Integration! It was a breeze to understand and execute, and like I said, the features are unreal. Just the repeating section feature alone was enough to make me switch! MOST of all though, everything you read about the AMAZING Customer Service provided by FormTitan is absolutely 100% true! Most of us are constantly battling the clock to meet deadlines and find the quickest way to make the most impact. Benny literally doesn't skip a beat, he is extremely easy to work with, and he is wonderfully knowledgeable. Not only can you count on major responsiveness from them, you can also count on their patience and willingness to make what seems impossible come to life!
Shalan Wilkins