Integrations > Gemini and Salesforce

Gemini and Salesforce

Show customer information from Salesforce in Gemini

Amy W, 04/12/2017
Show customer information from Salesforce in Gemini

Using FormTitan you can build a form that displays customer information from salesforce within Gemini. This will allow Gemini users to link their helpdesk tickets to salesforce so they can see customer value, license type or any other relevant data from salesforce.

For example, in the following screenshot, an email to support has been converted to a ticket in Gemini and the Salesforce tab, FormTitan's app, now shows the user's information from salesforce, such as job title, company, license type and expiration date.

How do I set it up?

1- Create your salesforce integrated form using FormTitan and copy the iframe embed code.
2- Download the app's zip file and put it under the app_data\apps folder of your Gemini site.
3- In IIS recycle the application pool that Gemini is using to load the app.
4- Once the app has loaded go to the Customize -> Apps -> FormTitan page.
5- The configuration page allows you to setup which template and type to enable the app for. In the following example screenshot we have selected the helpdesk template and all types.

6- Enter your caption for the tab, the embed code from the first step and pass the parameters to it . The available parameters are:

  • @Model.SourceEmail - The email address of the user that has sent the email
  • @Model.SourceDomain - The domain of the email address
  • @Model.SourceName - The fullname of the user that has sent the email
  • @Model.Item. - See the Available Fields section here: 

6- Once you have done that make sure you configure the view visibility of the FormTitan app via Cusotmize -> Templates -> Process (select your template),